Player Controls
walk ➡️ Holds the W key & Releases the S key.
back ➡️ Holds the S key & Releases the W key.
right ➡️ Holds the D key & Releases the A key.
left ➡️ Holds the A key & Releases the D key.
stop ➡️ Releases W, A, S, & D keys.
jump ➡️ Presses the SPACE key.
hit ➡️ Left clicks.
use ➡️ Right clicks.
break ➡️ Holds left click until stop break is ran.
stop break ➡️ Releases left click.
drop ➡️ Presses the Q key.
drop all ➡️ Presses CTRL+Q and drops all items in hand.
chat [MESSAGE] ➡️ Chats whatever is after "chat". | Example: chat hello
Key Presses
f5 ➡️ Presses the F5 key.
crouch ➡️ Holds the SHIFT key.
uncrouch ➡️ Releases the SHIFT key.
swap ➡️ Presses the F key.
sprint ➡️ Toggles sprinting, presses CTRL.
inv ➡️ Presses the E key.
esc ➡️ Presses the ESC key.
1-9 & 0 ➡️ Presses the Number key according to what number you said (for the hotbar).
Mouse Controls
look up ➡️ Looks up 45 degrees.
look down ➡️ Looks down 45 degrees.
look left ➡️ Looks left 45 degrees.
look right ➡️ Looks right 45 degrees.
These controls are just the basic controls for Minecraft, commands may be updated in the future.