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Player Controls

walk ➡️ Holds the W key for 10 seconds.

step forward ➡️ Holds the W key for 1 second.

back ➡️ Holds the S key for 10 seconds.

step back ➡️ Holds the S key for 1 second.

stop ➡️ Releases W & S keys.

next jump ➡️ Presses the SPACE key.

left ➡️ Holds the A key for 0.5 seconds.

right ➡️ Holds the D key for 0.5 seconds.

shortleft sleft ➡️ Holds the A key for 0.25 seconds.

shortright sright ➡️ Holds the D key for 0.25 seconds.

chat [MESSAGE] ➡️ Chats whatever is after the !chat command. | Example: chat hello

Key Presses

backpack ➡️ Presses the B key.

quest ➡️ Presses the Q key.

deck ➡️ Presses the P key.

friend ➡️ Presses the F key.

map ➡️ Presses the M key.

interact x ➡️ Presses the X key.

navigate ➡️ Presses the N key.

pet ➡️ Presses the I key.

character ➡️ Presses the C key.

esc ➡️ Presses the ESC key.

screenshot ss ➡️ Presses the Z key 2 times and takes a photomancy picture.

GUI Clicks

commons ➡️ Clicks the Go to Commons button.

home ➡️ Clicks the Go Home button.

return ➡️ Presses the Return to Mark button.

mark ➡️ Presses the Set Marker button.

pot ➡️ Presses the Potions button.

dialogue npc ➡️ Presses the SPACE key 10 times to skip long dialogues.

Combat Controls

spell[1-7] ➡️ Clicks the spell number. | left ➡ right | Example: spell5 OR spell 5

discard [1-7] or ds[1-7] ➡️ Discards the spell number. | left ➡ right | Example: ds3 OR discard 5

player [1-4] or p[1-4] ➡️ Clicks the wizard number | right ➡ left | Example: p3 OR player 3

mob[1-4] ➡️ Clicks the enemy number | left ➡ right | Example: mob2 OR mob 2

pass ➡️ Clicks Pass.

draw ➡️ Clicks Draw.

gg ➡️ Types "gg" into the chat.

These controls are just the basic controls for Wizard101, commands may be updated in the future.