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Rating Controls

star1 or rate1 ➡️ Rates stitch 1 star.

star2 or rate2 ➡️ Rates stitch 2 stars.

star3 or rate3 ➡️ Rates stitch 3 stars.

star4 or rate4 ➡️ Rates stitch 4 stars.

star5 or rate5 ➡️ Rates stitch 5 stars.

star6 or rate6 ➡️ Rates stitch 6 stars.

star7 or rate7 ➡️ Rates stitch 7 stars.

star8 or rate8 ➡️ Rates stitch 8 stars.

star9 or rate9 ➡️ Rates stitch 9 stars.

star10 or rate10 ➡️ Rates stitch 10 stars.

These controls basic stitch rating commands for Wizard101, commands may be updated in the future.