The script for my Wizard101 Modded Speedrun Event...
July 1, 2023 - August 1, 2023
Mod Info
Every 10 seconds your speed is randomized from -80% to 10000%.
Every second your size increases by 0.1%.
After every fight, you are teleported to a random entity/object.
Must start on a new level 1 wizard. The wizard must not have left Merle's office or have been "played on" in any way.
Your time starts once receive the first quest from Merle Ambrose in his office. (When you get teleported to Unicorn Way).
No pets besides any you get in the main quest.
No mounts, this includes the 1 Day Broom or any other mounts received from quests.
No crown shop items or henchmen.
No shared bank or items from other wizards.
No friends added, you must have an empty friends list.
It must be solo. If another player changes the outcome of your run it is instant disqualification.
Each tp to a friend, round with another wizard in the fight, treasure card trade, or any other form of interaction.
Bazaar is allowed. Finding strategies with an item you can purchase from the bazaar to speed up your run is allowed.
In your recording, you MUST have your game (Wizard101), speedrun time (stopwatch), and terminal (TapSpeedrunChallenge.exe) in view the entire time.
The mod must be active and visible during the entire run.
You are not allowed to leave fights in any way but fleeing or completing them. (You are not allowed to QUIT the game to avoid a fight).
Use common sense, some rules may not be written down here but just use your brain on what would be considered cheating.
Any intentional glitches used during your speed run to decrease your time will increase your time by 10:00 (10 minutes) per glitch.
Any use of this mod for anything besides this event is dangerous and will risk the banning of your Wizard101 account.
Find the quickest way possible to "Decease the Kraken!" in Triton Avenue.
Your time starts once you receive the first quest from Merle Ambrose in his office.
Your time ends once you receive the rewards for defeating the Kraken.
Any rules broken will instantly disqualify your run, don't try loopholes.
You must record in at least 720p, 30fps using OBS or Streamlabs.
Your file must be an mp4 if submitted through video.
1st Place: 30,000 Crowns
2nd Place: 10,000 Crowns
3rd Place: 5,000 Crowns or 1 Month Membership
Submitted Runs
★ 19:01.98 ➡ randommystery
★ 22:19.28 ➡ seastorm1052
★ 22:21.64 ➡ Dylp1ckl3
22:22.82 ➡ seastorm1052
24:02.70 ➡ seastorm1052
29:51.10 ➡ Badmiral
30:04.92 ➡ CodeAnt
30:13.13 ➡ TUBAYNA GAMER
30:19.67 ➡ Kreed
31:01.49 ➡ Lazerenth
and 4 more...
How to Submit a Run
All these options are viable for me to verify your run.
Twitch: include #TapChaosChallenge in your stream title.
YouTube: include #TapChaosChallenge in your video title or description.
Discord: Join my Discord server and send the file or link in the 🏃﹒speedruns channel.
Google Drive: Upload your run to Google Drive and share it with my email
After submitting your run using any of these methods make sure to contact me on Discord to ensure I see it.